Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Microsoft Rides Again

To: undisclosed-recipients:; ( My name isn't a secret )
From: Microsoft  Award( ( Denmark - Land of DHL, and Vietnamese Vikings )
Reply-to: Microsoft  Award ( ( Looks like Microsoft to me )
Subject: Your email has won you (£500,000.00 GBP)

( This looks surprisingly similar to A lottery present from Microsoft. Only the names have been changed to protect the ignorant. )
Microsoft Award Notification (You’ve won £500,000.00) in our NEW YEAR Promotional programmme tagged "THANKS FOR CONTRIBUTING TO OUR FINANCIAL SUCCESS".Kindly send your details to this email: 1.FullName:...2.Address:...3.Occupation:..4.Age:..5.Sex:..
6.Nationality:..7.Tel:..Note: All replies and queries or questions concerning your claims should be sent to Dr.Dave Andrea.via

Another $782,070.75 ( 785 G's -That's starting to look like petty cash )

Now serving #:  $48,510,366.77

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